Academy of Language Arts is a Japanese Language School in Tokyo
Academy of Language Arts
TEL 03-3235-0071
9:00-18:30 (Mon-Fri)


Established in 1984

Academy of Language Arts is a Japanese Language School 
with over 300 students from around 40 different countries.
Students from various backgrounds study together every day, 
improving their Japanese and socializing at the same time.

Message From the Principal

 Japan opened its door to materials and information from the outside world by lifting its self-imposed isolation at the end of the Edo era. Subsequently, financial deregulation opened the door economically as well. In the 21st century, Japan continues to liberalize in terms of finance, trade, and the exchange of information. A declining birthrate and an increase in the proportion of elderly has to lead to an overall decrease in the population of Japan. To address this problem, the door is being opened more and more widely to foreigners interested in studying and working here. Globalization has brought an interest in the Japanese language and culture to students all over the world. At ALA we aim to provide these students with the knowledge and ability to use Japanese effectively as a communication tool. Countries all over the world, including Japan, are becoming multicultural societies.This development will lead to greater richness and renewed growth.

Academy of Language Arts        
 Pricipal TOMOKO KAWANABE        



Established as a conversational Japanese language school for students from English-speaking countries.

1987 The Japanese University Preparatory Course opened for students from Kanji-using countries.
1988 Authorized as a proxy visa application institute by the Ministry of Justice, Immigration Bureau
2000 Japanese teacher-training course was designated as an Educational Training Benefits Program by the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare.
2002 The capacity of the school was increased to 222 pre-college students through the expansion of facilities.
2005 Started Etiquette Education for businesspeople.
2008 Authorized as a Charged Employment Placement Business by the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare (13-ユ-303210)
2009 Started developing Business Communication Measurement Test with the assistance of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science & Technology in Japan
2010 Launched the Business Communication Measurement Test (TCCB).
2010 Launched Japanese Language Business Communication Training (training program for companies
2016 The capacity of the school was increased to 300 students by the expansion of facilities.