Academy of Language Arts is a Japanese Language School in Tokyo
Academy of Language Arts
TEL 03-3235-0071
9:00-18:30 (Mon-Fri)

ALA blog is started !!


We start ALA Blog from today!
We share useful information that you can use in your daily life in Japan!

Do you know how to say “Good morning” in Japanese?


If you work in a service industry, you can say “Ohayo gozaimasu” instead of “Konnichiwa or Konbanwa” regardless it’s evening or midnight when you see your coworker.

How to write “Ohayo” in Hiragana.\(・∀<)/

Gozaimasu”makes a sentence polite.
   EX. Ohayo (informal), Ohayo gozaimasu (formal).
Konnichiwa: Good afternoon
Konbanwa:Good evening

See you next time(*’▽’)!!